FORTRESS Protective Buildings: A Modular and Flexible Approach
FORTRESS Protective Building LLC’s approach to modular construction is multi-faceted. Along with providing a truly multi-hazard (fragment, blast, thermal, toxic, and extreme weather) building to protect the lives of its occupants, FORTRESS’s goal is it ensure a quality building that can be designed, fabricated, and assembled in a fraction of the time of a site-built structure with the flexibility of providing floorplans to meet the client’s needs.

QUALITY – FORTRESS has partnered with Tindall, an industry leader in precast concrete manufacturing, to fabricate the structural modular sections. Tindall has been PCI (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute) certified for over 50 years. Through a stringent quality assurance program with inspection and testing protocols, the PCI certification ensures that the FORTRESS modules are fabricated to our high design specifications. Once the modular sections have been delivered to the site, they are assembled and sealed to create a controlled environment for a quality interior fit out.
TIME – Having the structural modular sections fabricated off-site removes approximately 60 to 70% of the building construction activities on-site. This reduction of on-site activities reduces the overall construction schedule by at least 30 to 40% when compared to traditional site-built construction. Other benefits from the reduced on-site construction activities include minimizing disruptions to site operations and improved overall site safety. The fact that the modular sections have been fabricated off-site and are delivered ready to assemble virtually eliminates the risk of construction weather delays.
FLEXIBILITY – The modular sections can be configured to make the most use of the available space, and the “open” design of a FORTRESS Protective Building allows for a flexible floorplan that fits the client’s needs. Office spaces, meeting rooms, locker rooms, break rooms, bathrooms, and conference rooms are just a few options to fit out a FORTRESS. Our sales team will work closely with you to understand the building’s use and identify the best build out options to meet those needs.
Contact FORTRESS Protective Buildings to learn more.